Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Magic Number For A Beginner in Real Estate Investing

Remember the MAGIC NUMBER. That is number 2. Why number 2?

First, make sure that you keep your full-time job for a minimum of two years with the same company. If engaged in business, you must prove that your business was profitable for the past two years.

Second, open two or more accounts with only one bank.

Third, get to know the branch manager and officers of your bank. Say "Hello" when you come in and "Have a nice day" just before you leave. Moreover, start to build credit with your bank by applying first for a credit card. You should prove that you are a good credit card holder for at least two years. Then get two or more credit cards.

Fourth, as your savings grow higher and higher, apply for smaller loans like Personal Loans. Your goal here is to show to the bank that you are a good customer and a good risk for them. Again, never make late payments for two years.
Fifth, You can now apply for a housing loan. Again, establish a good credit standing by never failing to pay your monthly amortization for two years.

If you have done the MAGIC NUMBER above, you can qualify to apply loan to buy the property of a motivated seller, to apply a loan take-out to buy foreclosed properties from other banks, to apply for another housing loan,a business loan, a stand-by credit line or other form of investment debt.

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